Take control of your health

We’re here to help you thrive

After years of working and attending higher education full time, causing a seemingly endless cycle of stress and health challenges, Haley founded Rosewell Health & Wellness to help busy professionals prioritize their health, so they can lose weight, reduce stress, move better, and feel more energetic.

Our premium health coaching services are the key to helping you achieve balance and the boost of health you’re searching for. So what exactly is health coaching?

It’s a partnership between you and your coach to help identify what you need to support your goals in a holistic approach. This approach focuses on all areas of life, going deeper than your surface level fitness and diet plan, and often includes education, nutrition support, physical activity, social or community health, spiritual/existential health, environment, mindfulness and stress reduction.

What will you achieve working with us?

Healthier eating habits

Nutrition doesn’t have to be hard. Find your balance and gain a new appreciation for our number one health defense; our food.

Reimagined fitness

Fitness isn’t always surrounded by gym bros and hours on the treadmill. We help you find your passion for movement and how to incorporate it best for your lifestyle.

Reduction in stress

Life. It’s stressful. If we aren’t careful, it will seep into everything and feel impossible to get control. Our methods help reduce stress and realign you mind.

Improved sleep habits

Sleep is one of the most important and often overlooked health factors. We help you recognize culprits and correct them.

Choose your starting point

Explore memberships & coaching programs

Morning Stretch Guide

Receive a free 12 minute full body stretch routine plus access to expert health tips, special offers, program updates, and an invite to our exclusive Facebook community.

Nutrition or Fitness Subscriptions
starting at $100/mo

Monthly subscription to entry level nutrition or fitness coaching with access to our food journal and exercise systems, once a month coaching session, and unlimited chat support.

Premium 1-on-1 Health Coaching
starting at $300/mo

Packaged health coaching offering weekly high value 1-on-1 coaching sessions, macro/food protocols, daily journal reviews, training materials, stress relief systems, unlimited chat support and special promos.

Just want to read blogs about health and wellness? Check that out here.

What our clients are saying

  • Bobbi E.

    “I spent 6 months working with Haley last year. When I first started, I had one main goal - weight loss. I always thought that I was eating the correct amount of calories and nutrients. However, as I quickly learned from Haley’s coaching, I was not. Haley did an excellent job of learning who I was, identifying my strengths and weaknesses as well as teaching me how to balance my food intake with my life style. Working with Haley was life changing. I was able to see results, achieve my goals and create a healthier lifestyle that I will continue to follow. I whole heartedly recommend Haley with Rosewell Health & Wellness. She is truly a remarkable health coach.”

  • Jackie D.

    “Thank you to Rosewell Health & Wellness and Haley Fink for being an awesome coach and helping me to make changes that work for me and my busy life.”

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Providers we work with in our community that trust us with their clients!

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